ATRA HUMATE potassium humate
Potassium humate
• Features
AtraHumate increases seed germination rates, stimulatesroot growth, stimulatesphotosynthesis, and increasesthe vegetative growth, and consequently increasesproduction. It also improves the soil structure, buffers thesoil and increases its cationic exchange capacity.
• Composition:
Potassium (K₂0): 14% (Source: Potassium Humate).
Black Fine Powder, soluble 100%.
• Usage :
AtraHumate can be used via various irrigation and fertigation systems on all kinds of agricultural crops (field crops, fruit trees, pastures and landscaping, vegetables, horticulture, etc.) Through the different stages of plant growth. AtraHumate can also be used in conventional farming methods by applying it before planting, and it can be mixed with urea and superphosphate to increase the effectiveness of the fertilizer in the soil.
• Application Rates:
- Nurseries:
can be mixed with peatmoss at a rate of 1/2 - 1 kg / peatmoss bag (300 liters) or use it through foliar spraying at a rate of 3 - 5 g / liter of water.
- Fruit trees:
1/2 - 1 kg / acre every 10 - 15 days through the use of ground irrigation systems or through foliar spraying after dissolving a quantity of 300-500g of AtraHumate in 1000 liters of water.
- Vegetables:
1/2 - 1 kg / acre for every 10 - 15 days through the use of ground irrigation systems or through foliar spraying after dissolving a quantity of 300-500g of AtraHumate in 1000 liters of water, and it is recommended to use the maximum dose in greenhouses.
- Pastures and landscaping:
1 - 2 kg / acre at the beginning of spring and then as needed.
- Field crops (rice, wheat, barley, etc.):
use the amount of 2 - 3 kg/acre in the case of mixing it with other fertilizers before cultivation, and it is also can be used through irrigation at a rate of 1/2 - 1 kg / acre every 10 - 15 Days.