- Features as containing a substance indolePiotrak acid works to increase tissue roots and increased root capillaries and reduce the root clusters and reduce stunting roots.
- It helps to increase the hormonal activity within the root cells.
- Features also contain natural growth regulators (Ooksenat - cytokinin - Giebrellinat .....).
- Family roots Contains particles stimulate dynamic synthesis process proteins as an essential process during growth of the roots.
Properties: -
- stimulates plant to balance the internal rate at between alaoksinat and alsitokininat, which claims to increase the size of the root.
- Help the high proportion of alsitokininat to increase divisions in cells which helps to increase the size of the total root vegetative and stimulate the plant to secrete high levels of alaoksinat which helps to increase the total force and the root.
- Works to increase the homogeneity of sizes in tubers, as well as increased crop yields by increasing the number and size of root.
Advantages and Benefits of using FAMILY ROOTS: -
- Normal vital catalyst is ameliorative effects of soil dynamic and complex roots.
- Helps the roots to resist frost in winter period.
- Increase crop sizes smoothing tubers.
- Stimulate and configure secondary roots and roots.
- Self defense mechanisms plant configuration.
- Upgrading plants to counter inappropriate environmental conditions and plant disease resistance.
- Improve the soil condition in terms of biochemical and physical views.
- Stimulate flowering and break the stillness of the buds and flowering rate increases and prevent the fruit before harvest.
- Increase product quality and freshness and fruit retention period lengthened after marketing the harvest.